Alternatives To Violence Project, Inc. — PeaceMakers Serving NYC & LI

Please Note: During the COVID pandemic, all of our services will be conducted via ZOOM.

For Individuals

Creating Skilled Alternatives To Violence Project (AVP) PeaceMakers

This service is best suited for individuals 18 and older.

• Enables participants to facilitate AVP workshops worldwide.
• Mastering 3 AVP Workshops: Basic, Advanced & Training for Facilitators
• Earning an AVP Certificate of Completion

Deepening Your Practice As an AVP PeaceMaker

This service is for the AVP PeaceMaker who who wants to deepen their Peacemaking skills & practices.

• Co-Develop & co-facilitate 3 AVP workshops.
• Grow from a novice to an advanced AVP PeaceMaker

Employment Readiness & Employment Empowerment Through AVP

This powerful service will prepare you for the workforce. Already in a career, these service will enable you to delve deeper into skills that will enhance you as a worker amongst workers.

• Learning Alternatives To Violence Project skills and strategies.
• Identifying strengths and areas of needed improvement.
• Developing effective communication skills.
• Team building skills and planning as a team.
• Learning how to manage conflicts.

Anger Management Classes

This service will help individuals manage their anger so that their relationships and lives will improve. Returning Citizens, ACS Clients, Court Mandated Cases, Families and Children will greatly benefit from the strategies and skills herein.

• Identifying your conflict resolution style.
• Managing your conflicts peacefully and nonviolently.

For Corporate & Educators

Professional Development

Corporations, companies & businesses will benefit from this empowering service.

• Using AVP & RJ practices, our team will meet with you to devise a plan addressing the requirements & needs of your work culture.
• Analyzing communication styles and use conflicts constructively to increase stronger and more effective teams.

Educational Leadership Services

Superintendents, principals, professors, teachers & educators will benefit from this service. These practices and skills offer you and your students the opportunity to deepen self-awareness, improve communication skills & build more effective teams.

• Develop a plan of action by identifying strengths and areas of needed improvement.
• Creating healthy classroom cultures for students.
• Building stronger, more effective learning community.
• Looking at behaviors that govern the building (positives and negatives).
• Reviewing suspensions and offering alternatives.
• Providing training for school staff who will in turn train their students.

For The Community

Community Builders

We will come to you. Invite us into your neighborhoods, your places of worship, your boards, your organizations, your families, and youth programs wherein we will increase Peace, enhance communication skills & resolve conflicts.

• Specifically designed Alternatives To Violence Project workshops.
• Restorative Practices & Restorative Justice
• Our team will sit with community members to develop a plan to improve community relationships.
• Our team will assist you in designing a workshop that suits your needs.

Design Your Workshop

This service is for you. Our team will design a workshop that suits your needs.

Create a forum with the topic of your choosing from our:
• Manliness
• LBGTQ Support (Young meets wise)
• Returning Citizens
• Clearance Committee

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